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Former Buffalo grain scoopers pictured from left: Sam Kolodziej, Jack Driscol, Pat Needham, photo taken at Waterfront Memories and More Museum, 41 Hamburg St, Buffalo, NY, photo by Kate Kaye, December 2019

Position: 461 (54 views)

Former Buffalo grain scoopers (clockwise from left: Fred Brill, Pat Needham, Sam Kolodziej, unnamed friend, Jack Driscol, Bob Roberts) at the Apollo Family Restaurant, 3387 South Park Avenue, Buffalo, NY, where the old pals gathered weekly for…

Position: 545 (47 views)

Don Dodd displays General Mills and grain related memorabilia at his home in January 2020.

Position: 278 (83 views)
Poster Number: 659

Position: 733 (38 views)

Parchment; f. 1, cut down so that barely two lines of text and musical staves survive on each side. The text is produced by stencil, with the originally open spaces of lines around enclosed spaces filled in by hand (for example, to fully enclose the…

Position: 456 (55 views)

Paper; f. 1 but torn in half (?); 4 lines of text printed in Roman font, and 4 staves of 4 lines each, with square notation. Major initials (P and F) printed in red, as are the rubrics. In the lower margin of the verso, "Pars Aestiva" (so the text…

Position: 545 (47 views)

Gradual with sung parts of the mass from the end of the 8th through the beginning of the 10th Sunday after Pentecost; added between the lines at the beginning of the 9th and the 10th Sundays are the cues for the collect, epistle and gospel readings…

Position: 441 (57 views)

Gradual, presumably for the common of saints: for apostles, for a confessor bishop, for one martyr, for one martyred bishop. Specifically, the leaf contains: at the beginning, two communion chants the one immediately after the other and both for,…

Position: 414 (61 views)

Parchment; f. 1; 7 lines of text and music, the text written in a formal gothic bookhand, the music in square notation on 4-line red staves with the custos at the end of each set of staves. Some flaking of the ink off from the flesh side of the…

Position: 338 (73 views)

Parchment; the lower portion of one leaf, including a very large empty bottom margin. 3 lines of text and 2 lines of superscript red 4-line staves (the topmost set of staves is cut away); written in a formal gothic book hand; music in square…

Position: 249 (90 views)

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