Erie County Poor House Ledgers, Volume 3. Register of Children’s Names in the Pauper Asylum, November 1841-September 1852.


Erie County Poor House Ledgers, Volume 3. Register of Children’s Names in the Pauper Asylum, November 1841-September 1852.


Date received, name, age, names of parents, nativity (place of birth/ethnicity), how discharged & to whom. Each October 1st, the children currently residing in the Alms House were listed as “carried forward” into the new record keeping year. Parents’ names are rarely recorded. Some children are discharged to family members; others are bound out to local families. Deaths by illness are noted, recording outbreaks of cholera in 1845 and 1849-1850, and measles in 1849-1850. In chronological order, no index. Note: The first section of this volume lists children in the Alms House who were sent to the Orphan Asylum. The first page of 1841 has the heading of “Register of Orphaned Children with Mrs. Orissa Healy.” Healy was the director of the Buffalo Orphan Asylum. Some later years indicate “To Buffalo Orphan Asylum” in the column indicating how a child was discharged. One of the last pages has a short listed titled “A list of names of children taken from Erie Co. Poor House to Buffalo City Orphan Asylum, Dec 19, 1849.”




Erie County Poor House Ledgers


Buffalo & Erie County Public Library (Publisher of digital)


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Erie County Poor House (Buffalo, N.Y.), “Erie County Poor House Ledgers, Volume 3. Register of Children’s Names in the Pauper Asylum, November 1841-September 1852.,” B&ECPL Digital Collections, accessed March 12, 2025,