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“It's like walking next to a jet, that's how loud they are.... That thing was just whistling and screaming.” Don Dodd got his start at General Mills in 1969 and worked there for decades, taking on all sorts of roles. For a time, he was a gunner -…

Position: 202 (145 views)

Bert Hyde is pictured outside The Waterfront Memories and More Museum in February 2020, with the Lake and Rail Elevator in the background.

Position: 260 (127 views)

Don Dodd displays General Mills and grain related memorabilia at his home in January 2020.

Position: 266 (125 views)

Parchment; ff. 2, not consecutive nor attached to one another; with a very deep lower border (as if in anticipation of an eventual need to add notes to the page?); 9 lines of text, each preceded by its row of staves; pricking along both the outer and…

Position: 32 (438 views)

Leaves conjugate but not consecutive; 1st leaf (5 lines) with musical notation; 2nd leaf (15 lines) with text only.

Position: 33 (432 views)

Miniature of the Annunciation; decorative border.

Position: 27 (464 views)

Serious incidents of school bullying were receiving national attention in 2011. President Barrack Obama held a White House conference on preventing bullying after high profile cases of teenage suicides struck a national nerve.

In Western New…

Position: 103 (203 views)

Parchment; ; f. 1; 7 lines of text and music, the text copied in a highly fractured gothic book hand, and the music in Hufnagelschrift on 5-line red staves, with a custos at the end of each set of staves, with text and music placed within "tram…

Position: 88 (227 views)

Parchment; ; f. 1; 5 lines of text and music, with the text copied in a formal gothic hand and the music in black square notation on 4-line red staves. Initial S of the height of one line of text and one of music, in dusty rose, infilled with…

Position: 97 (220 views)

Parchment; ; ff. 3 of which the first is a single leaf, and the second two are the innermost bifolium of a quire with consecutive text. Written in a light brown ink by a very unexpert (or very hurried) hand in a compressed gothic book hand in a…

Position: 159 (164 views)

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