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Group performance picture. Six female dancers, two male. Two couples. Seven piece band. Taken by J. N. Erhart, Commercial Photographer. Gladdess (first dancer from the left). Jean Eldridge, woman in black dress. Eugene Adams, pianist; Wendel Arter,…

Position: 287 (119 views)

Group performance picture. Six female performers, one male. Taken by J. N. Erhart, Commercial Photographer. Backdrop is painted like downtown Buffalo with Mayfair Hotel and advertisements for Eddie's Auto Service, Century Cab, Burns Bros. Suits 449…

Position: 348 (105 views)

Group picture at bar. Barmaid, five women, ten men.

Position: 166 (162 views)

Group performance picture. Eight female dancers. Twelve piece band. Two couples in center, and one couple shaking hands (Ann Montgomery?) Lil Armstrong in the top hat, holding a conductor's baton. Stuff Smith's former band. Date must be 1935, just…

Position: 218 (139 views)

Group picture of wait staff. Labeled "'Cookie' and His Little Harlem Club Crew: Of Service and Beauty." Eleven women, one man. Taken by J. N. Erhart, Commercial Photographer. In the 14th Anniversary Program, labeled: Vietta, Bessie White, Gwendolyn…

Position: 266 (125 views)

Headshot labeled "Mrs Louie Armstrong and Her Kings of Rhythm." Signed "To George Mel-o-dy. Best wishes Lillian Armstrong April 8, 1935" [to the bartender?].

Position: 283 (120 views)

Professional shot. Signed "To 'Schuffle' [sic] my favorite comedian. May you continue stopping 'shows.' Where ever you 'got' and as long as you 'go.' Luck and success always" June 7, 1939.

Position: 218 (139 views)

Group performance picture. Marriage scene? Thirteen dancers (four men, nine women).

Position: 225 (136 views)

Unlabeled professional shot of female dancer. Taken by J. N. Erhart.

Position: 274 (123 views)

Group shot. Front row: Tootsie, Horcal, Skeet, Bob, Bill, Linda, Duke. Back row: unlabeled, six male musicians (Jimmie Perkins's band?). Signed "To a very fine cat 'Ole Shuffle swingly yours Skeet of the Maniacs." Three men in the center are the…

Position: 280 (121 views)

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