




Parchment; f. 1, cut down at both top and bottom; now with 16 long lines in an early gothic script (double pp is fused; round s at the ends of words, but round r occurs only once) with staffless Germanic neumes inscribed between the lines of text. 6-line letter H to open the responsory on the recto: particolored yellow and parchment, with zigzag line in red to separate the areas; infilling of non-painted leaves, outlined in red, against a light blue ground. 1-line initials within the text touched in red. Rubrics in red.
Written in Germany, or perhaps in the Netherlands, during the 13th century. It survived to modern times as the cover of a small book, with clearly visible wear and dirt along what was the spine (with the recto of the leaf facing outwards). Belonged to Louis Charles Elson (1848-1920) who was a professor of music theory and history at the New England Conservatory of Music from age 34 onwards; he had begun studying music with his mother, then went on to study in Leipzig; he composed songs, operetta and works for the piano, but mainly he studied and wrote on the history of music; he published in a number of Boston newspapers, and was the editor-in-chief of Modern Music and Musicians (1912; 20 vols.) and of the University Musical Encyclopedia (1912-14; 10 vols.), among the ca. 50 items that he published over the course of his life. The collection of medieval fragments of music that had belonged to Louis Charles Elson was acquired in 1924 by the Grosvenor Library in Buffalo NY; this library, together with the Erie County Library and the Buffalo Public Library merged in 1953 to form today's Buffalo and Erie County Public Library. This leaf, as described by De Ricci, was no. 2 in the Elson collection.
J. V. Mierlo, Jr., S. J., "Een utrechtsch Antiphonarium: Bijdrage tot de Geschiedenis van het liturgisch Drama in de Nederlanden," in Leuvensche Bijdragen vol. 8 (1908-1909) pp. 1- 75, here p. 15 (recto) and pp. 16-17 (verso) for the office at Christmas.
Previously classified as RBR MSS. C33F7 900Z, item 1
Bibliography: De Ricci, p. 1209, n. 2, item 1.


[13th century]

Date Created


Is Part Of

Louis C. Elson Collecton. no. 2


Digital image copyright 2023 by the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library. Images in this collection are not to be used for any commercial purposes without the expressed written permission of the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library. Users of this website are free to utilize material from this collection for non-commercial and educational purposes.






1 leaf (fragment) of music ; 16 x 23.5 cm


parchment (animal material)


RBR Mss. C33A58 1200z

Spatial Coverage

[Germany or the Netherlands?]


Recto: //ad me, filius meus es tu, ego hodie genui te. Psalmus, Quare fremuerunt. Antiphona, Tamquam sponsus dominus procedens de thalamo suo. Psalmus, Celi enarrant. Antiphona, Diffusa est gratia in labiis tuis propterea benedixit te deus in eternum. Psalmus, Eructavit cor. Vers., Tamquam sponsus. [Responsorium:] Hodie nobis celorum rex de virgine nasci dignatus est ut hominem perditum ad regna celestia revocaret . . . Vers., Missus ab arce veniebat Mag// -- Verso: //pastores dicite, annunciate nobis in terries quis apparuit? Natum vidimus in choro angelorum salvatorem dominum . . . Resp., Sancta et inmaculata virginitas quibus te laudibus referam, nescio quia quem celi capere non poterant tuo gremio contulisti. Vers., Benedicta tu in mulie<ribus>//



Catholic Church, “[Antiphonarium],” B&ECPL Digital Collections, accessed March 13, 2025, https://digital.buffalolib.org/document/17154.