[Inventarium iuris canonici]


[Inventarium iuris canonici]


Parchment, one bifolium containing the first and the last leaf of, presumably, the first quire of the book (although there may have been a quire with chapter headings that preceded this opening of the text); in the center of the lower margin of the present f. 2, the catchword to the next quire, enclosed in a box: "maius"; 2 columns of 63 lines, ruled in lead; written in a formal gothic book hand. 8-line painted initial in pale pink (?) now much abraded, set on a burnished gold ground with infilling of scrolling leaves in red and blue, and bar borders across the top and bottom margins, and along the inner margin, in all cases matching the reach of the text; on the curve of the lower bar are a fighting rabbit and greyhound, both with wings (or swirling capes); the space containing the gold is heavily outlined in black. 6-line initial opening the text in parted red and blue, decorated with narrow strips of space left in void, infilled with red flourishing, and set on a squared ground with flourishing in purple (?). 2-line initials alternating red with purple flourishing, and blue with red flourishing; paragraph marks alternating red and blue.
Berengarius Fredoli, Inventarium iuris canonici, containing the key points in the Decretum, the Liber Extra and the Liber Sextus. Berengarius (1250-1323), bishop of B̌ziers and appointed cardinal in 1305, wrote the introductory letter of this text to Guillelmus de Mandagot, bishop of Embrun (1295-1311), and dated his letter from Tiveretus (?) on the Sunday after the feast of the Assumption in the year 1300, i. e. on 21 August 1300. This text has not been printed; comparisons here are to another manuscript: Paris, Bibliotḧque nationale de France, lat. 15415. See Giovanna Murano, Opere diffuse per exemplar e pecia. Textes et Études du Moyen ℗ge, 29. (Turnhout: Brepols, 2005), "Berengarius Fredoli," n. 226, p. 306, listing five manuscripts of this text known to her as having been copied from rented pecia; Murano does not list the present bifolium which has not yet been examined for pecia marks
Leaves conjugate but not consecutive.
Illuminated initial and border.
Title from De Ricci.
Bibliography: De Ricci. Census, p. 1211, no. 16


[14th century]

Date Created


Is Part Of

Louis C. Elson Collection. no. 21


Digital image copyright 2023 by the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library. Images in this collection are not to be used for any commercial purposes without the expressed written permission of the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library. Users of this website are free to utilize material from this collection for non-commercial and educational purposes.






2 leaves (2 columns, 60-64 lines) ; 41 x 56 cm


parchment (animal material)



RBR Mss. F74 1300z

Spatial Coverage



f. 1r-v [space reserved for the rubric, which was never inserted] Patri suo ac domino reverendo domino G[uillelmo de Mandagoto] dei providencia Ebredunensi episcopo, Berengarius miseratione divina episcopus Biterrensis Salutem in eo qui est omnium vera salus. [prologue:] Deus cuius providencia in sui disposicione non fallitur neque fallit . . . [end of prologue:] . . . Predictum autem inventarium vestre paternitatis sapiencie mittimus corrigendum. Datum in domo nostra de tivereto anno nativitatis christi Millesimo ccc die dominica post festum assumpcionis beate marie. [text:] Aaron. Quod aaron sacerdocium approbatur dis. xxii sacrosancta. Item suo sacerdocio sacerdocium suum pontificis representat di. xxi c. 1. Item ipsius caritas multipliciter insinuatur de pe. d. ii c. opponitur . . . An conferre ordines competat abbati ratione ordinis vel officii vel benediccionis. An abbas quem episcopus benedicere recusat habet ante benedictionem plenam administrationem habet// -- For this text, see Paris, Bibliotḧque nationale de France, lat. 15415, f. 1r-v.
f. 2r-v: // vel auctoritas maiorum ecclesiarum. An requiritur subscripcio clericorum ecclesie cuius est res que alienatur, an adalienaciones faciendas absentes canonici sunt vocandi. An in hiis requiritur consensus archiepiscopi vel pape . . . Quando statutum de aliquibus rebus vel personis factum ad res vel personas alias extendat de postul. ex parte. An potest quis peccare vel salvari per alterius ministerium a q. iiii. iam itaque de con. d.iiii queris. An ego debeo malum committere ut alius// [catchword: maius] -- For this text, see Paris, Bibliotḧque nationale de France, lat. 15415, ff. 10 verso, col. 2 (ca. 3/4 down the leaf) - f. 11 recto, col. 2 (ca. 2/3 down the leaf).



Frédol, Bérenger, -1323, “[Inventarium iuris canonici],” B&ECPL Digital Collections, accessed February 22, 2025, https://digital.buffalolib.org/document/17169.